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American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Thu May 11, 2023 5:49 am
Hey fellow Attack on Titan fans,

I couldn't help but feel compelled to express my disappointment and frustration with the way our beloved series has fallen off track. Attack on Titan, once hailed as a groundbreaking and gripping anime/manga, seems to have lost its way, and it's disheartening to witness. Evil or Very Mad

First and foremost, let's talk about the story. The initial seasons had us hooked with its intriguing premise, intense action sequences, and a deep sense of mystery. The battle against the Titans was exhilarating, and the narrative kept us on the edge of our seats. But somewhere along the way, the plot took an unfortunate detour. Instead of building on its strengths, the story got convoluted and lost its focus. It became tangled in unnecessary subplots, confusing time loops, and an overcomplicated mythology that seemed to overshadow the core essence of the series.

Character development was another aspect that suffered greatly. We were initially introduced to a cast of complex and relatable characters, each with their own motivations and struggles. However, as the series progressed, character arcs were neglected, and many key players were reduced to mere plot devices. The depth and emotional investment we had for characters like Eren, Mikasa, and Armin seemed to fade away, leaving us detached and unsatisfied.

Furthermore, the pacing became a significant issue. While the early seasons managed to maintain a perfect balance between intense action and thought-provoking storytelling, the later seasons dragged on, with prolonged dialogue-heavy episodes that lacked the energy and impact we once experienced. The series lost its sense of momentum, leaving us longing for the adrenaline-pumping battles that once made our hearts race.

And let's not forget the unanswered questions and unresolved plotlines that piled up. We were left hanging, with crucial mysteries left in the abyss of ambiguity. The lack of satisfying resolutions and explanations left a bitter taste in our mouths, tarnishing the legacy of what could have been an epic saga.

It's painful to witness a series we cherished so deeply succumb to these shortcomings. Attack on Titan had the potential to be one of the all-time greats, but it fell off the path it initially paved. It's a shame that what started as a captivating exploration of human nature, survival, and the horrors of war ultimately lost its way, leaving us feeling disillusioned. Shocked Shocked Shocked

However, let's remember that opinions may differ, and some may still find value in the later seasons. This rant comes from a place of passion and disappointment, as a dedicated fan who had hoped for a more satisfying conclusion to an otherwise promising series.

Feel free to share your thoughts and let's engage in a constructive discussion about the highs and lows of Attack on Titan's journey.

Disclaimer: This rant reflects the personal opinion of the writer and is not intended to diminish the enjoyment others may have derived from the series. Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

Last edited by Hiro Two on Thu May 11, 2023 5:56 am; edited 2 times in total

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American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Thu May 11, 2023 5:50 am
and I'm not saying that I still enjoy the series or whatever... I just don't enjoy it anymore because of how boring it is!!!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

I wish there are more action than just travelling and walking it's actual boring and I don't like it!

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American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty 2000s Emojis pog

Thu May 11, 2023 5:52 am
PS: I love this old school pixelated emojis i think it looks cool Very Happy Sad Surprised Shocked Laughing Embarassed Wink Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad Crying or Very sad Exclamation Neutral No I love you Suspect What a Face clown tongue monkey silent affraid bounce rabbit pig Basketball

Last edited by American Yandere WIKI on Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Thu May 11, 2023 5:59 am
From its inception, Attack on Titan captured our imaginations with its gripping narrative, intense action, and thought-provoking themes. The early seasons presented a masterful blend of mystery, horror, and the human struggle for survival against the Titans. It was a rollercoaster ride that had us hooked, pushing the boundaries of conventional storytelling and leaving us hungry for more.

As the series progressed, however, it dared to venture into uncharted territory. The storyline delved into complex philosophical and moral quandaries, expanding the narrative's scope beyond mere Titan battles. It introduced political intrigue, exploring the consequences of power struggles and the blurred lines between heroes and villains. While this shift may have felt jarring to some, it undeniably demonstrated the creative risks taken by the author and challenged the audience to reevaluate their perspectives.

Character development is another facet that warrants discussion. While some may argue that certain characters received less focus as the story expanded, it is crucial to recognize the growth and transformation they underwent. The choices and hardships they faced shaped their identities, even if the spotlight seemed to shift at times. The nuanced exploration of their motivations and internal conflicts added layers of complexity to the narrative, encouraging us to examine the shades of gray within their personalities.

The pacing of Attack on Titan's later seasons, undoubtedly, is a subject of contention. The deliberate choice to invest more time in character interactions and dialogue-driven episodes allowed for a deeper exploration of the story's themes. It provided opportunities for introspection and emotional resonance, even if it meant sacrificing the fast-paced action we grew accustomed to. The deliberate slowdown aimed to evoke introspection and reflection, challenging us to engage with the characters on a more profound level.

Undoubtedly, the series left us with unanswered questions and unresolved plotlines. Yet, this deliberate ambiguity can be viewed as an artistic choice, leaving room for interpretation and stimulating further discussion. It allows fans to form their theories and engage in an ongoing conversation that extends beyond the confines of the series itself.

It is essential to remember that Attack on Titan's journey is a testament to the creative vision of its author and the courage to explore uncharted territory. It is a series that sparked conversations, raised social and philosophical questions, and invited introspection. It served as a catalyst for personal growth, prompting us to contemplate the complexities of human nature, morality, and the cyclical nature of violence.

Let us approach our discourse with empathy and respect for one another's viewpoints. By embracing the multifaceted nature of Attack on Titan, we can celebrate the series' evolution and engage in enriching discussions that contribute to its enduring legacy. cheers bounce

American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Thu May 11, 2023 6:03 am
Oh yeah and Attack on Titan features a diverse cast of female characters, each with her unique strengths, weaknesses, and journeys. Rather than conforming to traditional gender stereotypes, these characters break the mold and defy expectations, which is refreshing to witness in a genre often dominated by male-centric narratives. Sleep Sleep

Mikasa Ackerman, for instance, is a fierce warrior who consistently demonstrates her exceptional combat skills, determination, and loyalty. Her unwavering dedication to protecting Eren and her friends showcases her strength, both physically and emotionally. Mikasa embodies a multifaceted representation of femininity, challenging the notion that strength and vulnerability are mutually exclusive.

Similarly, Hange Zoe, the brilliant and eccentric scientist, defies gender norms with her intelligence, unorthodox methods, and passion for knowledge. Hange's character is not confined to traditionally feminine roles but instead embraces her unique personality and intellectual pursuits. Her contributions to the story are invaluable, showcasing the significance of her skills beyond societal expectations.

Historia Reiss, while initially depicted as fragile and timid, undergoes tremendous character development throughout the series. Her transformation showcases her agency, resilience, and ability to forge her own path despite societal pressures. Historia's story arc challenges the notion that femininity equates to passivity, highlighting her courage and determination to confront her past and shape her own destiny. santa

Furthermore, Attack on Titan introduces a variety of other female characters, each with her own narrative arc and complexities. Sasha Blouse, Annie Leonhart, and Ymir embody different aspects of femininity, showcasing their individual strengths, flaws, and motivations. Their roles within the series extend beyond romantic interests or support for male characters, providing them with agency and independent storylines.

It is crucial to acknowledge that femininity is not a monolithic concept. Attack on Titan portrays a range of female characters with diverse personalities, strengths, and vulnerabilities, offering a more nuanced representation of womanhood. By challenging traditional gender stereotypes, the series opens up space for exploration and empowerment.

Of course, it is important to note that no series is perfect, and discussions on gender representation should remain open and ongoing. However, it is vital to recognize the strides Attack on Titan has taken in presenting female characters who defy traditional gender expectations and contribute meaningfully to the narrative. Smile
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Thu May 11, 2023 6:06 am
I would like to take a moment to reflect on the recent forum post I made regarding the portrayal of female characters in Attack on Titan. After considering the responses and engaging in further self-reflection, I now realize that my take may have been too extreme and failed to acknowledge certain aspects of the series.

I apologize if my post came across as dismissive or disregarded the complexities and strengths of the female characters in Attack on Titan. It was not my intention to undermine the positive aspects of their portrayals or disregard the efforts made by the creators to present multifaceted female characters.

Don't take it too seriously, I only rant for fun :3 Cool Razz Razz Razz Razz
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Thu May 11, 2023 6:07 am
You may wondering how I type soo fast? well all this post is just copy from my notepad I wrote years ago Laughing affraid
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Thu May 11, 2023 6:38 am
I'm going to sleep now Sleep Sleep Sleep

Good night 🌃
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Sun May 14, 2023 4:20 am
The netflix version of attack on titan is great Laughing but I don't know why it's feels off for me.

First of all , watching anime on netflix sucks ass... sometimes enjoyable and sometimes not. it's crazy affraid affraid affraid

Look at funimation , crunchyroll and free anime service Bstation! they got anime with full season and episode Evil or Very Mad

why Netflix can't even get first episode or season of an anime???? Question Question Question Question Question
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty AOT OST is lit

Sun May 14, 2023 4:24 am

The only thing I love about aot it's they're Ost and opening actual epic. What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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Sun May 14, 2023 4:30 am

Last edited by American Yandere WIKI on Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:00 am; edited 1 time in total
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty When will attack on titan ended?

Thu May 18, 2023 2:17 am
When will Attack on titan end?

I guess... we never know Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Mad

Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:59 am
Fuck my lifeeee  Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
American Yandere WIKI
American Yandere WIKI
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The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant Empty Re: The Decline of Attack on Titan: A Heartfelt Rant

Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:48 am
Fuck AOT , Dangaronpa better ... I might delete this page fr.  Twisted Evil
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